Black forest cake

Chocolate ganache


  • semi-sweet chocolate, about 45% cocoa, 226 g
  • thickened cream, approximately 30% fat content, 240 g
  • corn syrup, 1 tbsp


  1. Place the chocolate into the freezer for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Blend the cooled semi-sweet chocolate, about 45% cocoa 226 g in a blender until fine, then place in a jug or bowl.


  1. Gently heat the thickened cream 240 g until almost boiling, approximately 93 C.
  2. Pour hot thickened cream 240 g onto the chocolate. Very gently and briefly agitate semi-sweet chocolate, about 45% cocoa 226 g and thickened cream 240 g to ensure maximum contact.
  3. Add corn syrup 1 tbsp to jug. Leave for 3 minutes to soften semi-sweet chocolate, about 45% cocoa 226 g.
Luke Hodkinson | 2023